Coconut Acid Oil

Coconut Acid Oil

Coconut Acid Oil

Coconut acid oil, also known as coconut fatty acid, is a natural byproduct of the coconut oil refining process. It is a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids derived from coconut oil, including lauric acid, myristic acid, and capric acid. Coconut acid oil has a wide range of uses, including in the production of soaps, detergents, and personal care products. It is commonly used as a cleansing and conditioning agent in shampoos, body washes, and facial cleansers due to its ability to gently remove dirt and oil from the skin and hair while also providing moisturization.

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Chemical Name



Light to dark brown viscous liquid

11 - 18

Moisture, %

10.0 max

Density, kg/liter

1.0 - 1.2

Ash, %

6.0 max

MONG (Matter Organic Non-glycerine)

4.0 max

Purity, %

80.0 min