Crude Natural Oil (CNO)

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Crude Natural Oil (CNO)

Crude Natural Oil (CNO) is an unrefined oil that is extracted from natural sources such as plants, animals, and minerals. It is typically used as a feedstock for refining into various types of fuel, including gasoline and diesel, as well as for producing other industrial products such as plastics and chemicals. CNO is a valuable natural resource that plays an important role in many industries, and its production and consumption have significant economic and environmental implications.

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Chemical Name



Light to dark brown viscous liquid

11 - 18

Moisture, %

10.0 max

Density, kg/liter

1.0 - 1.2

Ash, %

6.0 max

MONG (Matter Organic Non-glycerine)

4.0 max

Purity, %

80.0 min